Manakau School


 2017 ERO Report


The principal and board have successfully addressed the identified areas for improvement in the previous ERO report. The principal has supported staff in useful collaborative inquiry processes that have enhanced their effective practice. Students participate and learn in caring, collaborative, inclusive environments. Trustees are well informed about student achievement and curriculum development, to guide their decision making.

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

How well placed is the school to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance?

Effective leadership and governance supports the school to be well-placed to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance. This is evidenced through:

  • leadership and organisational structures that build capability and promote collaborative, systematic inquiry and decision-making aligned with school priorities, goals, targets
  • stewardship that focuses on the effectiveness of the school in achieving valued student outcomes
  • parents, whānau and community involvement in school activities as respected and valued partners in learning
  • relevant professional learning and development that builds capability for ongoing improvement.


The board has effectively addressed areas identified in the previous ERO report and are working together focused on continuing to improve student achievement. Trustees are well informed about student achievement, curriculum development and school priorities. They discuss student achievement data, seek clarification and use it to inform decision making.

All board members have attended a wide range of training that supports the strengthening of understanding of their role and responsibility. Trustees regularly review their practices and the effectiveness of their governance.

The principal has led and supported staff through effective collaborative inquiry processes that are well aligned with school priorities. School wide expectations guide teachers to inquire into their practice, with a focus on accelerating student progress, especially for those who are at risk of underachievement. Student achievement data from 2017, indicates that many of these students have made accelerated progress. Māori student achievement is comparable to their peers.

The role of Special Education Needs Coordinator has been more clearly defined. Regular reporting to trustees about progress of target students and effectiveness of programmes and interventions occurs.

The performance management system has been reviewed and appraisal consistently implemented. It is linked to school priorities, teacher inquiries and has clear frameworks focused on questioning, reflection and improvement.

The principal has taken a well-considered collaborative approach consulting with students, families and community and leading staff in the ongoing development of the school curriculum. An overview has been developed focusing on learning foundations and priorities through the pou of: wellbeing; key competencies; literacy; and mathematics.

The curriculum increasingly reflects and values the language, culture and identity of Māori students and their whānau. Staff are actively involved in established school kawa reflecting te ao Māori.

The principal supports teachers to build their capability, including:

  • understanding of collaborative practice in co-teaching environments
  • exploring and developing guidelines that outline the expectations of what teaching and learning looks like
  • assisting teachers to further strengthen their understanding and use of the inquiry process.

Students participate and learn in caring, inclusive environments. Teachers know children well and use a wide range of strategies to promote students’ engagement and progress and to have more responsibility for the direction of their learning. Teachers share learning with, and continue to strengthen, learning relationships with parents.

A clear process guides internal evaluation. The principal uses, and assists staff and trustees to use, data to inform changes for improvement. Improvements are based on investigation of observed need. Priorities are identified and actions put in place in relation to need.

Clearly specifying indicators of success should assist the ongoing evaluation of the impact of strategies and initiatives implemented to promote improved student outcomes.